


[艺术简历] 孔宪华艺术简历

9 已有 6018 次阅读   2013-01-24 08:42   标签简历  艺术  office  normal  black 


孔宪华,字秋实,号圣衍居主,19614月生于山东省东营市,祖籍曲阜,孔子第七十二代裔孙。他潜心研究国画与诗词。在中国画方面,专攻写意花鸟,师从著名画家陈大章、郭怡宗等。多年来,学墨泛舟,临摹、写生、创作不缀,坚持艺术实践,突破传统,发展传统,不懈地在长期的艺术实践中,磨砺笔墨之功力,所创作的作品笔线苍劲,墨韵浑厚,色彩明丽,在中国画的绘画中取得了优异成就。多次参加全国、省美协机构举办的写生、课题班学习,得到著名画家邢少臣、张立辰、郭志光、沈光伟、韩玮等教授的指导。现为中国国际书画艺术研究院终身画家,中国金融美术家协会会员,中华书画学会常务副主席,中华艺术家协会(香港)荣誉会长、一级美术师,山东省美术家协会会员,山东省书画学会会员,滨州市美术家协会理事,董永书画院高级画师,孔宪华美术馆馆长。举办过个人画展、联展和参加全国展,有30幅作品荣获全国、省、市优秀以上奖项,作品在《美术报》、《中国收藏》、《世界知识画报》、《中国书画界》、《艺术主流》等刊登,先后被授予“中华书画艺术精英”、“献爱心优秀人民艺术家”、“ 终身成就奖”、“世界华人艺术先锋人物”、“最受读者欢迎的山东书画名家”等荣誉称号。作品被德国、菲律宾、新加坡、荷兰等国友人收藏。出版《孔宪华扇画集》、《孔宪华花鸟集》。诗词方面,在报纸、刊物、网络发表50余首,深受读者好评。

地址:山东省博兴县胜利二路299号 ,邮编:256500

联系电话:13906496260 ,










Kong Xianhua's art resume

Kong Xianhua, word Qiushi, St. Yan in the main, in 1961 was born in April in Shandong Province, Dongying City, Qufu Province, the seventy-second generation of Yi Sun confucius. He concentrated on the study of Chinese painting and poetry. In Chinese painting, specializing in freehand flowers and birds, the famous painter Chen Dazhang, Guo Yizong etc.. Over the years, ink painting creation, boating, copying, not up, adhere to the practice of art, traditional, development of traditional, tireless in the long-term artistic practice, skill honed ink, writing ink pen line is vigorous, vigorous, bright color, and made outstanding achievements in Chinese painting painting. Participated in the National Painting Artists Association, organized institutions, subject class, the professor is the famous painter Xing Shaochen, Guo Zhiguang, Shen Guangwei, Zhang Lichen, Han Wei, guidance. China International Painting and Calligraphy Institute Life painter, member of China Artists Association, executive vice president of finance, Chinese painting and Calligraphy Institute, the Chinese Artists Association ( Hongkong) honorary chairman, first-class artist, member of Shandong Province Artists Association, Shandong Province Institute of painting and calligraphy, director of Binzhou Artists Association, Dong Yongshu painting senior painter, curator of the Kong Xianhua Museum of art. Held a personal exhibition, exhibition and attend the exhibition, there are 30 works won the national, provincial, city, the excellent award of the above, works in the " fine arts ", " China ", " knowledge networks in the world ", " Chinese painting and calligraphy circles ", " art ", published, has been awarded the " Chinese painting and calligraphy art elite ", " to offer the compassion outstanding artist of the people ", " Lifetime Achievement Award ", " World Chinese art pioneer ", "the most popular Shandong famous painting " and other honorary titles. Works by Germany, Philippines, Singapore, Holland and other country's friends. Publication of " Kong Xianhua ", " Kong Xianhua and fan paintings set ". Poetry, in newspapers, journals, published online more than 50 first, by readers.

Address: Shandong province Boxing county two Victory Road 299,

 zip code: 256500,

Tel: 13906496260,

E-mail: kxh0088@163.com.


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