《深幽》李磊油画作品展 展出地点: 艺术桥画廊 上海普陀区莫干山路 50 号 - M50 - 4 号楼 103 室 (免 费入门)进去 M50 创意园区左手第四个门。 电话: + 86 189 1357 0858 szyishuqiao@aliyun.com www.yishuqiao.com.cn Venue: Le Pont
展出地点: 艺术桥画廊 上海普陀区莫干山路 50 号 - M50 - 4 号楼 103 室 (免 费入门)进去 M50 创意园区左手第四个门。 电话: + 86 189 1357 0858 szyishuqiao@aliyun.com www.yishuqiao.com.cn Venue: Le Pont des Arts Gallery M50
Dear all, We want to thank all those who contributed to the success of the opening of Pan Yufeng ’s exhibition. It was really great to have all of you at the gallery. If you didn’t have time to come to the opening you can still catch up, the exhibiti
" 天际的微光 " 潘宇峰影像展 展出地点: 艺术桥画廊 上海普陀区莫干山路 50 号 - M50 - 4 号楼 103 室 (免 费入门)进去 M50 创意园区左手第四个门。 电话 : +86 189 1357 0858 szyishuqiao@aliyun.com www.yishuqiao.com.cn &nb
Dear all, We want to thank all those who contributed to the success of the opening of Cecile GIRARD ’s exhibition. It was really great to have all of you at the gallery. If you didn’t have time to come to the opening you can still catch up, the exhibition will last