


[艺术简历] 中国当代国画家 刘彦君(上)

15 已有 5647 次阅读   2015-07-18 15:57
             中国当代国画家 刘彦君(上)




刘彦君艺术简介  1971年出生,山东烟台人,国家一级美术师,国礼艺术家,联合国千年计划中国发展建设中心—世界文化艺术联盟总会副会长,常务副秘书长。中国美协山东会员,中国国画家协会理事。中国书画艺术交流协会理事。山东画院特邀画家。经国家文化部乡土艺术协会文化遗产保护部评审润格为2.8万元/平方尺,成绩斐然。特别是国家邮政总局在建国65周年庆典为刘彦君等一批艺术大家出版发行特种邮票纪念册。  她幼承家训,六岁开始临贴习字、绘画,已有三十九年。早期得名师黄衍先生指点画猫。早年进修毕业于中央美院北京画院研修生班。绘画以花鸟为主,所画“猫”为主题。色调明快、格调高雅、生动活泼、幽默富有情趣、妩媚可爱、栩栩如生。曾多次在对外交流展和书画比赛中获佳奖在画界大有名气。她对艺术认真执着追求,刻苦努力,常常夜以继日在东方既白之时创作出具有中西合壁、写实典雅,清新明快的作品,深受收藏家喜爱!1997年,正当香港回归之际,在家乡山东烟台举办了个人画展。引起市委政府领导重视,市委书记及市长等各界领导亲自参加了画展,当地媒体也争先报道之后,在国内外巡展。近十几年来,在北京及各地创作交流,艺事渐进的她还做过歌手、演员、模特,曾经在演艺歌坛演唱民俗歌曲,为画界歌坛两栖艺术明星。中国著名诗书画家顾泉曾赠诗:“刘家大妹智聪颖,灵手妙笔汇丹青;百灵歌声如春风,丹青玉声度春秋。”其艺绩曾中国文化报、上海新民晚报、山东烟台报,在百度和艺界网等专题报道过,作品被国内中央部级领导和海外友人及实业家收藏。  Diana Liu is born in Yantai city of Shandong province in 1971.She is elected as vice Executive Secretary of Art Commitee of Word Culture Union.She is also awarded as firs-class artist and national ceremonial artist.Due to her brilliant art achievement,she is voted as the member of Shandong province of China Art Association.She also has many well-known titles like Director of National Artist Association,Director of National Calligraphy and Painting Association.Besides,She is invitational artist of Shandong Painting Academy and lifelong invitational artist of Yantai Painting Academy. The heritage protection department of Chinese Native Art Association suggest the price of her works RMB28,000 per levelling ruler. She has made brilliant achivements in drawing.Even more surprising ,State post office pubulished special commemorative stamps for Diana and other famous artists due to the 65th Chinese state ceremony.  Diana learned painting and calligraphy since 6 years old and she was exposed to art when she was a little girl.She has devoted to painting for 39 years.During her early painting period,she was guided by famous painting artist Mr.Yan Huang. Later,she graduated from Central Institute of Fine Art and Beijing Art Academy as a research student.All of her paintings include flowers and birds,the core subject is about cats .she paints with great effort to express the pride and graceful manners of cats.Every cat has different personality and character,they are so romantic ,charming and beautiful.Diana considers them as humorous and funny partners in her life.She is persistant and earnest in creating.She often draws her inspiration at dawn after all night composing.Her talent and diligence makes her even more famous by awarding many well-known drawing contests with wide reputation of being a professional artist.  As Hongkong returned to China in 1997,Diana held her personal exhibition in Yantai.The exhibition attracted broad attention including municipal party commitee of Yantai government.Municipal party secretary and Mayor participated personally and the issues was reported by local media actively. In recent ten years,she holds exhibition domestic and overseas mainly in the form of art communication. Beside her fabulous painting achievement,she also skilled in singing fold songs which makes her a star of painting and singing. In addation, She used to be a professional model .The famous poet artist describe her with a poem,which says “Smart and intelligent like Diana,painting the best,singing the best,even make you forget the season change.” Her works was published by China Culture Daily,Shanghai Xinmin Evening Paper and Yantai City Daily etc. Her splendid paintings also become popular collections cherished by art-lovers at home and abroad.荣誉证书


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